
Monday, February 15, 2010


I been in deep thought awhile ago on what is the real meaning of this life? Well, I am a just a youth and that tells why i am too inquisitive about this sense.

I do believe one should realize the importance of her/his life basing on the Book of God. One's life is nothing if we don't know where it wil lead us after we die.

Here's a bit of words from the Bible.

Four Things God Wants You to Know
YOU are a sinner before God.“As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” Romans 3:10
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
The penalty for sin is DEATH, separation from God in the lake of FIRE.“Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Romans 5:12
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23 (Revelation 21:8, Luke 16:23)
Jesus loves you and He died to pay the price for your sins.“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him (trusting only in Jesus) should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
“Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree.” I Peter 2:24
Jesus wants you to be saved from the penalty of sin RIGHT NOW.Repent - “God ... now commandeth all men everywhere to repent.” Acts 17:30, 3:19
Receive the gift of your salvation - Jesus Christ. John 1:12
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” Revelation 3:20“Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7
“He (Jesus) came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:11-12
If you believe these Scriptures, and see your need to receive the free gift of eternal life, pray now with a sincere heart saying-
“Dear Lord Jesus:
I know that I am a sinner and I deserve to go to hell, but I believe that you love me; you died for me, and rose from the dead for me! I believe and trust in you, that your blood shed on the cross was the full payment for all my sins. I am right now trusting you, Lord Jesus, and you alone for the forgiveness of all my sins and to take me to heaven. Please change my life. Thank you for saving my soul. AMEN!”

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Youth: The emblem of Jesus

The youth is the shining beacon of hope that will illuminate the sordid past of defeat. Many times, they are the hope of the race. But what if the youth area of most societies failed to do their task, what will be the fruit of our labor?
To trace this failure is to go back to the root of the problem. Many young people do not realize how valuable, how great their lives to Jesus. They failed to acknowledge the giver of the gift making them to fail instinctively.
To empower the youth of the world is to give them love and care which can only be drawn from Jesus. Teach the young people to know the importance of Jesus in their lives, give them the chance to imagine life with best of all amenities it can give. Teach them to see the cross of Jesus for them to realize the value Jesus has given them.
Many times, these young people waste their lives in things that do not profit; things that are vanity and lies; things that ruin their lives and destroy their future. Often times, vices and wrong perception about life kill the blossoming aroma that these young people have.
When I look back to the past, I can see the vulgarity of life. I can see the wanton usage of life. Drugs, alcohol, peer pressure and many others have taken the toll of young people to ruin. It is a sad fact but all these can be solved.
There is only a person who can empower young people. It is not long speeches; nor inspirational books; it is not rehabilitation; it is not even the laws of the land. Only a person can do all to get back these young people to real living.
Jesus is the answer; he is love; he is the fountain of love and all grace. Point them to the cross; let them, feel the love of Christ and sooner God will work in their lives. Save their soul and save their flesh.
To empower the youth is to give them the empowerment; the enigma, the power within…

JESUS, the true LOVE.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

തെ Myth

Some claim that he is just a myth; he isnt true, just a tell-tale of insane people. Then, who Christ is? If you believe he is not God, he can be only either of the two: a liar or a lunatic.

Only a lunatic would naturally die for the things that aren't true. Jesus (the lunatic) died on the cross for nothing but just nothingness. He defended a claim of being God, of being the Son of God, of being the Messiah which lead HIm to die a horrible death. Hey., only a fool would die for a false claim.

From this, we go down to the question; Did he know that what he is claiming isn't true?

If He knews then He is a fool to deceive Himself: if he didn't knew then He is a stupid madman.


Evolutionists tried to prove that man comes from the monkey after series of processes. In this regard I would like to raise this question:
Is it justifiable that after billion of years as they said man evolve from a jelly-like cell after bumping with the water? Are they trying to say that man is created by chance because that jelly-like substance got tired of its condition and then decided to be a human person? This is a total stupid idea!!
Most evolutionists don't understand the complexity of life. How could all these features happen by ACCIDENT, when intelligent scientist cannot reproduce them by design in laboratories?
Have you ever tried to synthesize in a lab just one complex molecule found in an average tree? The tree makes large quantities of it in hours, at room temperature and pressure, but intelligent scientists using high temp. and pressure cannot make some tree molecules in 1 year. For evolution to succeed, the total organic and molecular complexity of a species had to be invented by chance- and it had to do it fast-within seconds, or the creature would immediately die.
Are we going to accept this stupid lie of evolution? Are we going to be contented that we come from the monkey with the attributes of animals? Well, to quote Og Mandino, he said ".. animal alone will not satisfy me".
I would gladly say that I am not a product of billions of years of evolution but rather I am a product o f the wit of God, conceived in His love and I am brought forth with a purpose.


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Sunday, February 7, 2010


Have you ever thought of the uncertainty of life?

More than ever, lives are wasted because people do not want to rely on the power of the LOrd but they will seek their own means of keeping track of life. Heaven is not to be earned; it has to be received by the person.

When I took my high school in a Catholic school, I thought I am in the righ track. I went to mass every time I am free. I go to confessions, I do all to erase the blatant mistake of my past.

It is very disgusting to know that all i have done is nothing. It doesn't count because of the reality that I was not a child of God. but praise be to the highest and majestci God who gave me the meaning og my life more than anybody else. It is the greatest gift I ever received.

I pity my friends who are still in the net of the devil - the net that has made lives to hell, the religion of our past (Catholism). I fear that one day these classmates and bactmates of mine will go to hell.

I do not want that to happen as I do not want you to go to hell! Religion has been the productive tool of the devil to keep people from believing on the saving grace of Jesus.

It is religion that killed Jesus. The so called PRIEST of the days. I am thinking of the new priests who are preaching a raped and stained word of God. Telling people that there is a place called purgatory when there is not. Such a moving doctrine of lie that has kiiled lives in hell.

I do want that to happen to my friends. As much as I am lving, I will do my best to keep them from hell, from the lies of the old harlot of the Rome.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Church of the Living God

Jesus did not found an official church on earth but He did left a pattern of the church through the undying faithfulness of the apostles.
1. The church Christ founded is a soul winning church. It means a witnessing church. It is a church which tells people of their destination when they die. But how can a church witness if it does not believe that Hell is real? How a person feels the urgency to tell the story of salvation when they are leaning on the false hope of purgatory?
2. The church that Jesus found is a church that is preaching the real word of God without any stain. In Acts the apostles show the patter, they were praying for hours upon hour and they were listening to the word of God hours after Hours. Does your church qualify that?
3. The church that Christ found believes that the Bible is the final authority and not a man. No other book is used to teach but only the Bible. If the “church” is not preaching the word of God but is using another book of a “prophet”, then it is not a church of God but a cult of the devil.
4. The church that Jesus found is a loving church. Is your church persecuting many people? Is your church hindering the usage or contact with other people? Is your church a place of hypocrisy? Woe unto you Pharisees!
Let us count the churches in the world and see how many are fake and false prophet of the devil.
1. RCC – Roman Catholic Church believes in the infallibility of the Pope. It never happens in the Bible even Peter acknowledge his nothingness in Acts. The Bible is not its final authority but the books of the fathers. It does not believe in the truthfulness of hell but rely on purgatory.
2. Muslim – It is not a church of Love. It is not God’s. it permits the killing of people if they are not Muslims
3. Mormons/ Latter day saints – It believes in the Book of Mormons and joseph Smith being a prophet. That is not true as the Bible records. Jesus is the last prophet who fulfilled all the law.
4. Seventh day Adventist – it is a church that believes in the show. They follow the rules of the Bible but they do not follow it all. It is a mess James recorded!
5. Other cults – believes in the power of of their founder but does not believe in God’s power to save souls.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I studied high school in a Roman Catholic Chruch St. Louise de Marillac Collge of Bogo; I finished it with high colors. Back that time, I was saved at the age of 15 while i was in third year high school.

In St. Louise de marillac College of Bogo I was the best(without bragging). But when i became a Baptist St. Louise De marillac College has changed.

I am not a radical person but I really was dismayed with my school St. Louise de marillac College of Bogo. They let me choose whether I will take my faith or I will favor my education. It was a hard decision but sonner I made a decision to get out from St. Louise de marillac College of Bogo and be out of the hell place where I was.

I give St. Louise De marillac College of Bogo the gratitude worthy to it as the my high school learning institution but I appeal to it for the spiritual things it is telling the studenbts.

I would like St. Louise de marillac College of Bogo teach the inerrant, the pure, without mixture word which has the power to change lives, to save souls

I appeal to it that it take the chance to tell the students about the salvatiuon of Jesus. But to my dismay how can they tell their students when the nuns of St. Louise de Marillac College og Bogo do not know about their destination after they die.

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The lie of the Roman Catholic Church

I would like to put an appeal to the Congregation of Faith of Rome:

1. I am a raised Catholic but I never choose to be a Catholic. I was sprinkled with the Catholic water but I never consented to the proceedings of the matter. I was an innocent child back then without will to choose.
2. I never choose to be a catholic infant. If Being raised in a Catholic family is hell, then I am in hell for a long time. Catholic church is not the proceeding of the my life.

3. I was not a traitor to the Catholic church. First of all, I never get part of the Catholic church but I was there because of ingnorance but altogether I never betray the Roman Catholic Church.

4. Stop calling Baptist to be a child of the Catholic Church. It is not for heaven's sake. Baptist or anabaptist were already in the face of the forest fearing the hands of the cruel Roman Catholic Church. Baptist has its own beginning and it is not floating with the same boat the Roman Catholic Church goes with.

I am a baptist and that's the truth of the matter. I am going to heaven one day; That's the promise of the Lord to me. How about you? will you have a place beyond the blue or you will face the fires of hell together with the Roman pontiff?

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Jesus is all

Think about the universe without the word Jesus and you will find a dark earth. The world is nothing when Jesus isn't there.

Once when I was a child a friend ask me of who Jesus is. I simply answered that Jesus is the king of the world. It is the truth. Jesus is the king of the world. But why too many are not giving Jesus his real honor; his deserved praise.

Many call him Lord but they do not want to ruled by Jesus. What a lie!

Many wil go to pilgramages but deny the greatness of God. That's too hyprocisy.

Many bend down their knees and ask the Lord in prayer but not a single person is sure if he will go to heaven. What a waste!

I am thinking about people who love to be the center of the place but they are thieves of God's praise.

Think about the Christianity that they are talking about when they are not worshipping Jesus Christ. They should be called Marians and not Christians.

Jesus is all. Not a single Buddha can replace him. No Allah can compare Him. No any other gods of this idolatrous and rebellious world can be compared with the greatness of Jesus.

Jesus is the true God, that's what my Bible tells me so!

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